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merriam webster

2 Translation results for to color in Spanish

verb | adjective

color verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
colored, has colored, is coloring, colors
colorear, pintar; sonrojarse, ruborizarse; influir en, influenciar

Example sentences of
color verb

  • We colored the water with red ink.
  • The children were busy coloring in their coloring books.
  • My nephew colored a picture for me.
  • The child colored the sky blue and the sun yellow.

Synonyms of
color verb

of color adjective

unfavorite favorite
(EE.UU.) de color

Example sentences of
of color adjective

  • Millions of Americans, most of them people of color, lost their jobs in the recent economic crisis.
  • A person of color might be at a higher risk than Caucasians for certain illnesses.
¿Sabías esto?
  • En los Estados Unidos, un person of color (plural: people of color o persons of color) es una persona que no es blanca. Este es un término que se refiere a miembros de todas las minorías étnicas en los Estados Unidos. Tenga en cuenta que este término no es equivalente a colored, el cual se usaba en el pasado para referirse específicamente a African Americans (africanos americanos). Contrario a otros términos similares, el término people of color no tiene connotación negativa o derogatoria.
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Reverse translation for to color

colorear  - to color, to redden, to ripen 
pintar  - to paint, to paint, to draw, to draw, to mark, to look, to describe, to depict, to count 
sonrojarse  - to blush 
ruborizarse  - to blush 
influenciar  - to influence 
de color  (EE.UU.)